Have you applied for IHSS Protective Supervision and been approved? Protective Supervision is part of the In-Home Support Services (IHSS) program in California, and it is crucial for families raising a child with a developmental disability, such as autism, Down syndrome or cerebral palsy. But are you getting as much money as you can from the program, the maximum financial support of up to around $4,000 per month? If not, you can appeal and get paid for more IHSS hours.
There are many reasons why you qualify for more IHSS hours:
State regulations generally allow only six hours per month per household for domestic services. When the regulations were issued, the state explained that the six hours per month allowance was based on receiving domestic services twice a month.
If four people live in the home, the total IHSS hours allowed for your child will be 1.5 hours per month. If your child needs more time for domestic services to remain safely at home, the county should allow an exception to the six hours per month time-for-task guideline. The extra allowance is for things such as:
Personal care services must be assessed on an individual basis. Be sure to count
the time for the entire task, from beginning to end.
Extra time is needed in meal preparation and/or menu planning because:
Extra time is needed for laundry because:
Extra time is needed for shopping, errands, because of:
Transportation Accompaniment
The time involved in certain tasks may vary from day to day. The IHSS authorization will be based on an average time, so it is important to know the range of time a task may take. You will want to count your transportation time to factor in those times when traffic has been particularly congested on your way to mandatory medical appointments and other places where alternative resources to IHSS will be provided.
And if you require accompaniment in the waiting room for your medical appointments, that time should also be factored in. IHSS will pay for transportation time to get you there and back, but usually not the time while at the doctor’s office or clinic. When IHSS does not cover wait time, then IHSS should cover the transportation time for four trips: there and back to drop off; there and back to pick up.
You should document all this information carefully because it may help to prove your child is a “severely impaired” recipient, which may result in more hours and provide you with the option to elect advance payment if you so choose.
If this process sounds overwhelming and you feel you need help, you can always reach out to us. Our advocates can lead you through everything, as well as attend the hearing with you.
Go to http://www.americanadvocacygroup.com or call us directly at (877) 762-0702, and we will assist you in getting your child the funding he or she deserves.